
The Citizen and Judicial Reforms under Indian Polity

Centre for Policy Research

This book is based on the papers presented at the Conference on the Citizen and Judicial Reforms under Indian Polity organised by CPR on 13-14 April 2002 and few special papers on judiciary discussed at earlier conferences on Political Reforms. It is a product of work on the Research Project on \’Political Reforms\’ funded at CPR by the Ford Foundation. Among other sensitive issues relating to required judicial reforms, it raises questions like who will judge the judges; and how can we bring justice to the ordinary citizen in a credible and people friendly manner.

Besides a very comprehensive and incisive introduction by the editor Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap, the present study contains valuable contributions from some of the most distinguished leaders moulding India Public opinion- parliamentarians including Lok Sabha Speaker, Governors and Cabinet Ministers; eminent judges including former Chief Justices of India; Jurists; leading advocates; senior administrators and academicians.

The book also outlines proposals for judicial reforms, their relevance and their effectiveness. It would certainly prove valuable to the lawyers, judges, jurists and all others concerned with law and justice.

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